At Holmer Green First School and Pre-School, we are passionate that all our children feel happy and safe when at school. Therefore, we feel it is important to educate them on the signs and effects of bullying, enabling them to 'Make a Noise' in order to see it, report it and stop it.
Incorporating British Values into our school curriculum, we teach the children about mutual respect and tolerance through activities in the classroom, class discussions, school rules and through NED. Our PSHE curriculum also focuses on behaviours, anti-bullying and encourages discussions about how we should treat each other.
We believe that our children learn best through real-life experience, children and staff all treat each other with kindness and respect, using kind and encouraging words.
At Holmer Green First School and Pre-School, we are dedicated to providing a caring, friendly and safe environment for all of our children and adults so that they can learn, explore, play and communicate in a safe, happy and secure atmosphere, encouraging all children to achieve and realise their full potential.
We treat bullying of any kind as an unacceptable behaviour in our school, where our school values of giving our children a voice, and embedding our ‘Happy Hearts, Healthy Minds’ philosophy under pin everything we do.
If bullying behaviour of any kind occurs, children and adults are confident to report it without fear and have the re-assurance that all incidents will be recognised and dealt with promptly and effectively. Throughout our school, any reports of bullying, no matter how big or small, are acted upon immediately and effectively by all members of our school community.
At Holmer Green First School and Pre-School we consistently seek ways to counter the effects of bullying that may occur within school and provide activities within the curriculum to minimise the likelihood of bullying taking place.
Our Kindness Ambassadors further extend our commitment to shared responsibility by bringing the ideas and concerns of all children to Kindness Ambassador meetings. Our Visions and Values are shared and spread across the whole school and local community, including Governors, parents, school staff and children. Kindness Ambassadors provide an invaluable source of pupil voice, along with our H Team and School Council, school staff, governors, parents and children, to create a fully inclusive Anti-Bullying policy.
At Holmer Green First School and Pre-School, we are developing our peer led Anti-Bullying Ambassador program which aims to tackle any bullying behaviours in our school. Our Ambassadors will work closely with Mrs Sophie Brown (Parent Governor), Mrs Dipika Ventin (Class Teacher) and Mrs Rebecca Oxlade (Teaching Assistant).
We are thrilled to be working towards gaining the Anti-Bullying Quality Mark Award to ensure that HGFS is a place where our children feel safe and thrive. Our Kindness Ambassadors will receive training to enable them to support their friends if needed, challenging negative attitudes and reporting any unfriendly behaviours. We are excited to begin this journey towards receiving this award and to share with you our Anti-Bullying work produced throughout the year.
You can find our Anti-Bullying and all other policies here.