The school council is an integral part of pupil voice at Holmer Green First School and Pre-School. They are responsible for finding ways to fundraise for charities and perform pupil surveys in their classes to help decide on ways to improve our school.
Pupils who are interested prepare a speech in September which they give to their fellow classmates. Their classmates decide who they would like to be their councillor. Once children have been elected they are announced during a special assembly where they are presented with a certificate and badge. The children then take part in fortnightly lunchtime meetings to discuss upcoming charity events and school improvements. They often hold votes to get democratic decision as to what the children would like to do or have.
This year, our school council has raised £303.35 for Children In Need by wearing spots, £290.15 by wearing red and telling jokes for Red Nose Day and received two tables worth of gifts from our families for the Bucks Radio Christmas Toy Appeal.
The children held a vote in their classes to decide which new Buddy Bench the children would like in the playground and we then decided where the children would like to put it.
We have also completed a class survey on which equipment the children like to play with at lunchtimes. Once the results have been collated we will be sorting and labelling resources and adding to the current stock.
The children really enjoy the responsibility that being in School Council brings. They take pride in sharing what they have discussed with their teachers and peers.