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Our School Day

Each morning we open the main playground doors at 8.45am to welcome the children into school and registration is taken promptly. Children who arrive after this time are marked as late.

Children are dismissed at 3.10pm, Reception children are dismissed from the main playground doors and children in Key Stage One are dismissed from their classroom doors. 

This equates to 32 hours and 5 minutes a week, including lunch time.


A typical day in our school:



7:45am          Breakfast Club begins.

8:45am          Playground doors are opened and children come into school and Pre-School.

8:50am          Early Morning Work commences. Jump Start Johnny/Active Mile.

9.10am          Phonics Lessons.

9.30am          Lessons, including Continuous Provision.

11.30am         Assembly

11.45am         Guided Reading/Busy Books.

12.00pm        Story/Song Time. 



12:00pm       Reception lunch time begins.

         Pre-School Morning session finishes.

12:15pm       Pre-School, Year 1 and 2 lunch time begins.



1:15pm        Lunch ends, registers taken and lessons/continuous provision begins.

3:00pm       Pre-School ends.

3:10pm        End of school day, children are collected from the playground.

                   After School Club begins.

6:00 pm      After School Club ends.



'I like maths and science. They are really fun. I like adding numbers.'

Year One Pupil
