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Governor Membership and Register of Interests

Committee Membership

Governor Attendance - 2023/2024

  TOTALGillian JonesDavid EteenSiobhan PearceDaniel MasonGemma TuffneyJackie TrattnerSophie BrownJames PattersonSarah DawsonKylie TuffneySam RhodesHolly HardingMalcolm Carter
Autumn Term 2023  100%100%67%100%80%100%91%100%80%70%100%67%100%
Full Governing Body18/09/20239PPApologiesPPPApologiesPPApologiesPP 
Finance & Personnel17/10/20235PP P  P    P 
Premises, Health & Safety09/11/20237P P P  PPPP  
Curriculum Challenge05/12/202311PPPPApologiesPPPPPPApologies
Spring Term 2024               
Full Governing Body18/01/20249PPApologiesPPPPPApologiesApologiesP P
Finance & Personnel30/01/20245PP P  P     P
Premises, Health & Safety07/03/20247P P P  PPPP  
Curriculum Challenge21/03/202412PPPPPPPPPPP P
Summer Term 2024               
Full Governing Body02/05/20249PPPPPPPPApologiesApologiesP P
Governor training14/05/20249PP PP PPPPP P
Finance & Personnel17/06/20245PP P  P     P
Premises, Health & Safety27/06/20247P P P  PPPP  
Pay review09/07/20244PP P  P      
Curriculum Challenge09/07/202411PPPPApologiesPPPPPP P


Register of Interests

All governors must declare any relevant business or pecuniary interests.  These would include:

* Governance roles in other educational institutions;

* Any material interests arising from relationships between governors or relationships between governors and school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives).



All governors have declared they have no such interests, with the exception of Mr David Eteen. Mr Eteen is the Chair of Governors at Holmer Green First School and Pre-School and Holmer Green Junior School. 
