Children who attend our Pre-School wear uniform. This consists of the school's sweatshirt or cardigan with a logo, white polo shirt and black trousers, black jogging bottoms or leggings. During the summer, children can wear a school summer dress in royal blue stripe or check or black shorts and a white polo shirt.
Children can wear any appropriate footwear to Pre-School (shoes, trainers, plimsolls) as long as they have a velcro fastening so that they can be taken off and put back on independently.
Pre-School children should also have a named school P.E bag with a change of clothes, spare underwear and nappies (if appropriate). This bag should be left on your child's peg.
We also request that each child has a named school book bag to store their masterpieces as well as their library book. Book bags are also used to send correspondence home, parents are reminded to check them every day.
These items are available for purchase via PMG School Wear which can be accessed using the following link:
If you are interested in purchasing second hand uniform we have a supply in the school office. Please email the school at or visit the school office. A small charge of £1 per item is made.
The children are able to access the outside areas during all weather types. Therefore, we request that all Pre-School children have a pair of named wellington boots in school, held together by a peg. These boots can be stored beneath their peg.
We provide aprons for the children to wear whilst participating in messy activities such as painting, water play and clay work.